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Data Deletion Policy

Last Updated: May 2024

1. Introduction

We, at "Emergency App" respect your right to privacy and data control. This Data Deletion Policy outlines the procedures and methods through which players can request the deletion of their personal data from our records.

2. Data Deletion Request

2.1 Request Procedure

Users wishing to have their personal data deleted can make a request through:

2.2 Verification

To ensure security and privacy, we will verify the identity of the individual making the request before proceeding with data deletion.

3. Data Deletion Process

3.1 Timeline

Upon receiving and verifying the request, we will process the data deletion within 30 days.

3.2 Scope

The deletion includes personal data like username, email address, and other identifiable information. Non-personal data used for analytics and improvement may be retained in anonymized form.

4. Exceptions

4.1 Legal Requirements

In certain circumstances, legal obligations may require us to retain some data for a specific period.

4.2 Backup Systems

Data might exist in backup systems for a short period until it is permanently deleted as per the backup's scheduled deletion process.

5. Contact Information

For further information or inquiries regarding the data deletion process, please contact us at:

6. Updates to This Policy

We reserve the right to update this policy periodically. Changes will be posted on this page with an updated "Last Updated" date.

Emergency App

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